Using Hemlock for Exterior Projects

Are you familiar with the use of Hemlock wood in exterior projects? Hemlock is a unique and durable wood that many people opt to use, especially for exterior projects such as fencing, paneling, framing and more. There are many different types of hemlock, but the most popular options in Canada include Eastern or Western. At TimberTough, we opt to use a mix of white cedar and Eastern hemlock in our pre-built options to maximize durability and promote longevity. 

Eastern hemlock trees are known for their tree bark, which dates back to the previous century when fur processing companies demanded it for its high tannic acidic content. Sadly, a lot of these trees were stripped of their bark, eliminating further growth. In the 1940’s Eastern Hemlock came into its own when a boom in wood-frame housing became more and more popular, which saw a resurgence for this type of wood. Fast forward to 2022 where hemlock varieties are still used for home construction and millwork manufacturers because of their durability.

Eastern hemlock is considered a soft wood in terms of material, but actually gives other species of hardwoods a run for their money as it’s just as durable, but is less expensive to use. It’s a known fact that Eastern hemlock actually grows harder with age, making it a stable and inexpensive option for any exterior home project. As mentioned, products available in our TimberTough line mix the natural durability of white cedar with the extreme toughness of Eastern hemlock to get the best result for the price. 

 Another key identifying factor about Eastern Hemlock is that the boards have a rough texture, highlighting the natural grain, which allows it to absorb a finishing stain very easily. The texture also disturbs the surface tension on the boards, which helps to reduce cracking and ring shaker. This also means that Eastern hemlock is easily customizable, making it an ideal material for people interested in using a finishing stain. Because our Eastern hemlock TimberTough products are pre-built and pre-stained, we offer the same stain used in the pre-staining process so that you can touch up your project whenever you’d like!

Overall, exterior projects using Eastern hemlock are becoming more and more popular as the years go on because it’s less expensive than other options, it’s extremely durable compared to other hardwoods, and it easily absorbs stains making it highly customizable. Interested in checking out our line of pre-built and pre-stained fence panels, planter boxes, and privacy screens for your own backyard project? Click the link to check out our selection!


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